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A Rant About Cannabis & Pregnancy 


We literally know nothing about cannabis and pregnancy. Like, seriously, nothing.

Of course, there have been studies and research done (about pregnant rats and cannabis), but none containing any conclusive evidence for those wondering if they should, or should not consume cannabis while pregnant.

Mothers who have chosen not to use the herb during their pregnancy have endured months of pain, nausea, and / or not being able to eat. Versus those who have decided to use cannabis while pregnant (with proven results), and have been heavily scrutinized by those who frown upon it (it is important to note here that “using cannabis” does not exclusively refer to smoking it).

Although medical professionals don’t suggest consuming anything that may, or may potentially harm you or your growing fetus (which is pretty much everything these days if you ask me), most practitioners agree that it is okay to have up to two “standard glasses” of wine a week while pregnant. So if you’re okay with this, I have to ask; Is one really worse than the other? Or are you just judgey? 

Let it be known that just because more people are doing it doesn’t mean it’s safe. However, just because people aren’t doing it doesn’t make it uncivilized. Due to the lack of information on the matter, we actually owe women who are using cannabis while pregnant a huge debt for doing what they believe is best for their families, as well as their potential to help pioneer studies for women in the future.

So here’s to babies, understanding one another, and more research on cannabis and pregnancy!

Cover photo via Giphy.